AWE Fall 2020 Recap

by Cara Wolfe '2021

With 56 events, 440 members, and over 35,000 Slack messages sent, Fall 2020 was AWE’s busiest semester to date. We’re so proud to have expanded AWE despite the online semester and are thankful for everyone that made it possible. 

Here are our highlights of the AWEsome things our AWEfficers, Committee, and community accomplished this semester:


Industrial Relations

Jennifer and Enya hosted 17 events with our sponsors. 

Teatimes: AWE members connected with company representatives and learned more about hiring opportunities

CAP events: Berkeley-wide recruiting events where students learned about industry roles 


Ashley and Trevina coordinated our largest Mentorship program ever with 92 members participating.

Craft Socials: Members of the mentorship community embroidered and painted using kits shipped out by the Mentorship AWEfficers

Care packages: Members received personalized end of year pictures and care packages

Monthly themes: Double dates with other mentorship groups and Mentor Coffee Chats where the entire mentorship community connected further


Emily and Erica hosted events and other fun programs for AWE members to get to know each other and engage with the community.

General Meetings: Introduced the AWE community to what AWE is and gave members the opportunity to meet and hang out with one another!

Joint Socials: Played games with members from other clubs like CSM and UPE

Pen Pals: Members wrote letters and sent personalized packages to another AWE member

AWEccountability hours: Worked on homework together while playing lofi to keep each other accountable

Game hours: Organized open-ended game and hangout hours 

Holiday Card Writing: Spread the holiday cheer by writing letters to local healthcare workers


Catherine kept AWEfficers organized and helped make so many of our events possible behind the scenes. 

Reimbursements: Distributed reimbursements to members for any event-related snacks and materials 

AWEbot: Kept our new Slack bot running so members could easily check in to events and leave feedback

Blog: Showcased stories from our members, both technical and random fun


Anna and Rachel led an expansion of technical resources and discussions.

Workshops: Negotiation, Intern Panel, and Research Panel

#recruiting: Managed our growing channel of resources for everyone recruiting and seeking advice on interview tips, resumes, internships, and more!


Grace and Emily communicated all of our events and opportunities to members and highlighted how awesome the AWE community is.

Banners and Event Recaps: Designed graphics to promote and capture the essence of our events! 

Newsletters: Sent out weekly updates and opportunities to our members, not only through email, but also through new Notion pages

Social Media: Created AWEfficer Spotlights, infographics, and AWEdults of Berkeley, a committee-led project spotlighting stories from AWE members

Facebook group: Maintained an exclusive place for AWE members to receive the latest event reminders and opportunities


Michelle and Annie helped with projects like running #donut-be-lonely.


Amber, Kat, and Cara led the AWEfficer and Committee team and worked with external partners to bring AWE’s vision to life.

Community Leadership: Lead new initiatives like EECS Welcome Week, and the Special Topics Undergraduate Survey and expanded others like EECS Community Week in partnership with leadership of other student organizations

Care Packages: Mailed new stickers to everyone, and awesome new long-sleeves to help connect AWE members around the world

Professional Opportunities: Hosted events with faculty, WiCSE, and RiSE Lab for members to learn more about research and other graduate school opportunities and curated #awepportunities for members to find event, career, and scholarship opportunities

AWEffice Hours: All AWEfficers hosted virtual aweffice hours for people to come hang out and chat

The Committee 

This semester, we also had 18 Committee Members who worked with AWEfficers to expand the reach of AWE and work on projects outside of AWEfficer responsibilities. Some of their project highlights included events like an alumni social where current and graduated AWE members shared experiences and stories, mentorship socials, and game hours for AWE members to casually hang out. They wrote blog posts like #bon-awe-petit recipe blogs and one on our graduating seniors, as well as developing technical resources including a Product Management Workshop and a Research Panel. They also expanded social media presence with series like AWEdults of Berkeley, where AWE members shared stories or experiences, created infographics about EE&CS topics, and designed banners, an AWE zoom background, social media bingo boards, and new long-sleeved shirts and stickers, which were sent out to the AWE community.


We loved seeing everyone at events and making new friends. We were thrilled to see members engaging so heavily on Slack to support one another by asking for and giving advice and continuing to empower and uplift each other. AWE would not be AWE without all our amazing members!

We can’t wait to see you again in a few weeks! 

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